Arrogant and Condescending Liberals: Bob Simpson’s Experience

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Bob Simpson is a testament to reasoned, reflective, empathetic, intelligent political leaders with integrity. Two items on his Facebook page today [see below] show how desperate and afraid the BC neoLiberal Party is going into the last 11 days of the election campaign.

They either don’t show up to all-candidates meetings or when they do show, they sometimes spew critical lies/errors that make them look moronic at worst, or very poorly uninformed at best.

When they show up and lie ]or incorrectly state] that the government has done something good like building thousands of new seniors’ residential care beds when the party has already admitted to wildly fudging the numbers, or they put on their elitist hats to tell us to get over the BC Rail scandal, they are showing what disrespect they have for the 4+ million British Columbians who will hire them or fire them on May 12th.

What kind of person says we should just get over a scandal involved in privatizing BC Rail through a $1 billion 999-year lease to CN? Arrogance has been a key word in NDP rhetoric for a long time now. The neoLiberals simply keep stepping in it. To quote the wildly successful BCTF campaign: “When will they learn?” The answer is they won’t learn. We need to get rid of them.

And when the neoLiberals don’t show up to public meetings during the campaign, it’s because they’ve calculated that being there and suffering the brutal hits would do more damage to their dwindling re-election chances than the arrogance of not showing up at all.

It’s ironic since this is the year the STV will win as people decide that it’s worth changing the electoral system to get responsive politicians who won’t merely ram through pet legislation because they have a tyrannical majority government, regardless of whether it’s reflected in the popular vote.

This kind of anti-democratic behaviour, disrespecting citizens, helped keep the federal Conservatives from a majority government and it will kill the Liberals in BC in 11 days. Good riddance!

Bob Simpson had another interesting all candidates meeting in Miocene last night (Miocene is between 150 Mile House and Horsefly). Some excellent questions from the floor and some very strange answers from the Liberal candidate. He stated log exports have declined, said we simply need to “get over” the sale of BC Rail, and still claims the Libs built the 5000 long term care beds, despite Abbott’s admission they haven’t!

9:28am ยท

Bob Simpson is very proud of our Quesnel youth. The questions the students asked at the QSS forum were a reflection of the key issues in this campaign, not just the issues involving youth. I felt the students were listening with interest and that both the Green candidate and I gave them lots to think about. The Liberal candidate did not have the decency to show up, that’s just plain disrespectful of our youth and their concerns


via Facebook | Bob Simpson.

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Stephen Elliott-Buckley

Post-partisan eco-socialist. at Politics, Re-Spun
Stephen Elliott-Buckley is a husband, father, professor, speaker, consultant, former suburban Vancouver high school English and Social Studies teacher who changed careers because the BC Liberal Party has been working hard to ruin public education. He has various English and Political Science degrees and has been writing political, social and economic editorials since November 2002. Stephen is in Twitter, Miro and iTunes, and the email thing, and at his website,

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3 thoughts on “Arrogant and Condescending Liberals: Bob Simpson’s Experience”

  1. Wow, arrogance running through liberals in general – they think they are the natural governing party – I think that brand logo – is getting mightily challenged – not only in BC, but federally with the recent coronation of Iggy who embodies the persona of the arrogant and pomp of the liberals.

  2. “the 4+ BILLION British Columbians”

    Dude, are you talking about the planet Mars?

    I’m still here, down to earth, on the planet Earth. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Million, billion…potato, potahto. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the reality check, Jim.

    Jan, Igg the Elite. There’s this rhetoric coming from him and Trudeau today in the media about rebuilding a national party. To do this, the cult of personality must transcend regionalism or issue, thus there is a need for a leader to be larger than life.

    Dion’s ego is far to humble to be someone to build a Whole Party Around, unlike PE Trudeau or Mulroney or other 20th century political leaders.

    The problem with this for the federal Liberals is that a 21st century political party in Canada may not be able to be a motherhood, national party like the Republicans and Democrats in the USA or the Whigs and Tories of the past.

    Identity politics in Canada opposes the required homogenizing influence required.

    And watching the fissures within the BC Liberals, it’s easy to see that Campbell’s ability to hold power is through centralized power and threat as opposed to being someone people love to orbit [have you heard the story of his run-in with Abbott at their caucus meeting in Harrison?]. Drunk driving in Maui derailed his potential there. So now he controls things like Harper does in Ottawa. Machiavelli would be proud.

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