-- Download Politics, Re-Spun on Coop Radio, 5.4.09, a Vista Video Podcast as PDF --
On Monday, May 4, 2009, Politics, Re-Spun met Coop Radio on “The Rational”, a Monday evening issues program. This is the second visit, with the next scheduled for Monday, May 11th, the night before the BC provincial election.
Imtiaz Popat and I talked about the leaders debate last night, how horribly condescending and unprofessional Gordon Campbell was, how the parties are polling, why STV is so important, all parties’ environmental plans that generally need to be far more expansive and robust, how the BC Conservatives’ leader, Wilf Hanni, will beat BC Liberal Bill Bennett [not that Socred guy] in Kootenay East, the carbon tax, the Port Mann bridge, the Gateway project, who will win the election, how much corruption in candidates the BC Liberals tolerate, why Mel Lehan will likely defeat Gordon Campbell in Point Grey, John van Dongen’s teflon political career, and the importance of voting on Wednesday to Saturday in the advance polls to set the trend of a higher voter turnout which will signal a change in government…so vote early! But we didn’t get to how Campbell cancelled his upcoming CBC radio debate with Carole James because of how poorly he did last night, and we again missed a chance to debrief the Billy Bob Thornton mayhem.
The video podcast of the conversation lives at Vista Video.
You can watch it in Miro, the best new open source multimedia viewing software: http://www.miroguide.com/feeds/8832
You can watch it in iTunes: itpc://dgivista.org/pod/Vista_Podcasts.xml
The podcast file is at http://dgivista.org/pod/Coop.Radio.5.4.09.mov
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Stephen Elliott-Buckley
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