A cacerolazo in Montreal?

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There have been a huge amount of reports on Twitter of people grabbing pots and pans and heading to the streets to bang them around and make noise in Montreal.

While it’s impossible to immediately compare the student fees protest with the Argentine economic collapse, it is perhaps poetic that the same mode of protest is appearing in both locations. In Argentina, it’s a cacerolazo. In Quebec, it’s a “concert des casseroles.”

Here’s a photo:

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Kevin is a cooperator, an always-student, and passionate about the arts. As a principal of the Incipe Cooperative, Kevin works with colleagues in a workers' co-op offering services for advocacy and nonprofit organizations. He's passionate about education policy, having been through twenty some-odd years of schooling and still thinking it changes the world. He also thinks that art changes the world, and he works with Art for Impact to celebrate art's power for social change. A Vancouver born and raised resident who is exiled from Toronto, he constantly loses umbrellas and probably rants too much.

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