Harper + Aung San Suu Kyi + G20 Protesters = Hypocrisy

On Saturday, Stephen Harper issued a fantastic statement explaining why Canada is happy that the Burmese totalitarian regime released Aung San Suu Kyi. The amazing thing is how many of his criticisms of the despotic regime apply to him and his treatment of G20 protesters. The DFAIT/PMO bureaucrats must have had an awesome time crafting … Continue reading Harper + Aung San Suu Kyi + G20 Protesters = Hypocrisy

An Alex Hundert Primer, While the G20 Inquiry Begins Today

Community organizer Alex Hundert was arrested this morning at his surety’s home. via Activist Alex Hundert Re-arrested | Toronto Media Co-op. That was yesterday. Ok, this is just becoming silly, if it weren’t such a tragic hint at the closing of Canadian society in its slide into Stephen Harper’s Soft Fascism. Here is a primer … Continue reading An Alex Hundert Primer, While the G20 Inquiry Begins Today

The Queen, G20 Abuses and Canada’s Future

It has been a couple weeks and I still can’t get this out of my head. I was going to write something quite venomous on Canada Day about the queen’s characterization of Canada, but decided to let it slide. But I can’t: The Queen said she has witnessed more than half of Canada’s national history … Continue reading The Queen, G20 Abuses and Canada’s Future

Occupy, For Democracy

When I write about soft fascism, I sometimes feel too Canadian. I don’t want to be impolite and talk about hard or old school or 20th century fascism because frankly, when people read that word, they think, “hey, is he talking about Hitler kinda stuff? Ok, then, so it’s not fascism.” It is though. You … Continue reading Occupy, For Democracy

Will Today Be the Day You Die at Work?

    Do you feel lucky, punk? Well… do you? Every day, four Canadians will die as a result of a workplace accident, injury or industrial disease.  If you make it home from work today, you are one of the lucky ones. Statistically speaking, 1000 Canadian workers die annually as a result of workplace fatalities. … Continue reading Will Today Be the Day You Die at Work?

The Real Reason We Need to Get Rid of Corporate Media

While I’m also sad that the Kamloops Daily News is closing, I think Warren Kinsella is over-simplifying a few things [see below] with respect to how the media climate will be affected by the closing of this for-profit business, earning shareholder value by producing mass media content, while sometimes allowing its corporate revenue-generating employees to … Continue reading The Real Reason We Need to Get Rid of Corporate Media

I don’t have PTSD!

I don’t have PTSD! by Stewart, who is accepting donations here! Last week Robin touched on her personal experiences growing up in a military environment and how her endeavour to learn more about PTSD has shone a different light on those memories, reactions, and actions of those around her. It’s changed her. It’s changed how … Continue reading I don’t have PTSD!

Canada’s Evolving Soft Fascism

Things are bad under Prime Minister Harper. They’re getting worse, even since the last time I wrote about Harper’s soft fascism. But how do we measure it? It’s so…subjective, unless you have some kind of benchmark for totalitarian political behaviour. Luckily we do, at least these three: This powerful graphic comes from Fascism Anyone?, a … Continue reading Canada’s Evolving Soft Fascism

Key measures of Quebec’s Bill 78 Anti-Protest Law (Updated)

Quebec’s anti-protest law Bill 78 passed into law yesterday, and I understand that it has received Royal Assent. Notably, the law did not stop protests last night. The law was designed to put an end to the ongoing #manifencours protests in Montreal and environs, but it also goes considerably farther – it applies to any … Continue reading Key measures of Quebec’s Bill 78 Anti-Protest Law (Updated)

Harper, Hypocrisy, Syria, and Degrees of Freedom

Yesterday I lifted my head from some work to watch the Ottawa journalists in Twitter filling us all in on John Baird’s first press conference as the majority Conservative government’s Foreign Affairs minister. They noted he read from the speech: very odd. It was a signal of a new degree of hypocritical oddity now besetting … Continue reading Harper, Hypocrisy, Syria, and Degrees of Freedom