Category Archives: Gender Issues

Shaming Chauvinists 101

Hey, Canada. Don’t you just hate it when other countries make us look so 20th century?

In the UK, they’re going to publicly shame employers who maintain gender wage disparities. Sure, it’s not legislated pay equity, but it’s a start. And they’re ahead of us.

Seriously, how hard is this? Come on, read on. I dare you!

Businesses that perpetuate the wage gap will be exposed.Source: U.K. to Name and Shame Companies That Pay Men More Than Women

U.K. officials announced legislation Friday that will require businesses with more than 250 employees to publish the differences in average salaries and bonuses between male and female employees. A government-sponsored website will rank businesses by their gender pay gap, spotlighting companies that have failed to address wage disparities.

“In recent years we’ve seen the best employers make groundbreaking strides in tackling gender inequality,” Minister for Women and Equalities Nicky Morgan said in a statement. “But the job won’t be complete until we see the talents of women and men recognized equally and fairly in every workplace.” She added that such measures would leave “nowhere for gender inequality to hide.”

If Beyonce…

If Beyoncé could do THAT at the Superbowl, what could happen at the oh, so white Oscars?









































Ashley Madison Is Not Nearly So Black and White
The Ashley Madison hack is bad news for cheaters—and just as terrible for everyone else – By Harris O’Malley

It’s like the royal family: glamorize them so we can bash them down to earth.

A bit of a mindfuck.

If Ashley Madison were a straight infidelity website among heterosexual couples in a world of simple heterosex, then yes, let’s judge all these people. Because we love to judge.

But if you’re interested to see what kind of other people use[d] Ashley Madison for arguably not so black-and-white sinful reasons, you may realize that quite a few people are getting hosed here.

But Harris O’Malley said it better.

If you can read this piece and still remain steadfast in black-and-white judgement, then you should explain how that works for you in the comment section below.

As always, inane commentary is nuked. 🙂


JRfm Promotes Rape Culture, Sigh

Is it only sexual assault if he rapes her?

A male person didn’t run up to CBC-tv’s Megan Batchelor on air in Squamish and shout, “Fuck Her Right in the Pussy.”

Maybe he knows people can get fired for that.

Instead he was maybe trying to be “nice” by trying to kiss her. She complained to the RCMP.

If I went into a car dealership and kissed a woman or man on the cheek, out of the blue, I think the business would support their sexually violated employee. That makes sense.

If I went into a Starbucks and tried to kiss a male or female employee. Same thing. If I tried to grope their genitals, same thing. If I tried to do it to a man or a woman on the sidewalk? Same thing.

Should I toss out, in my defence, that hey…the victim should be flattered that I found them attractive. Or, hey…they’re in a public place, so they’re fair game. Or hey…it’s not like I raped them, so a milder, less intrusive form of sexual assault is less bad, so shut up.

So while the media has been reporting this latest attempt to violate female reporters trapped and vulnerable by being in a live TV broadcast, JRfm has stooped very very low by framing the issue to illicit responses that perpetuate rape culture:

A CBC TV reporter is filing a formal complaint to the RCMP about a young man who attempted to give her a kiss on the cheek while reporting live.

Do you think the young man deserves a criminal record for this? Or do you think she is justified and it was completely inappropriate.

  1. Start by implying that this act occurred because dude was “young” so hey, cut him some slack. He’s young. So he’s not threatening. Or he’s an innocent.
  2. Ask a rhetorical question that implies that he doesn’t deserve a criminal record for this youthful dalliance.
  3. Suggest that the reporter is not justified in complaining to the police.
  4. Add an adverb to “inappropriate” to suggest that the act was maybe not entirely, completely inappropriate, like just a little bit bad.
  5. Wait for your JRfm loyal followers to explicitly do the rest of the work in perpetuating rape culture.

So if you want a sickly living textbook example of the kinds of rape culture justification floating around out there, there are right now 105 comments on the JRfm Facebook post, the majority of which are sick and wrong. Those who try to call out rape culture are, of course, attacked.

And of course, many of the rape culture apologists are women. And the majority of responders are woman, actually.

Then when you swing by JRfm’s website for their elaborated story, they get far more explicit excusing this sexual assault:

She was reporting live from The Squamish Valley Music Festival, when a young man tried to sneak in the shot and give her a kiss on the cheek. He missed, but the attempt was there. What some viewers may have taken as a light-hearted joke, Batchelor is now following up with the RCMP to file a formal complaint against the young man.

Do you think he deserves a criminal record for life because of this? Did it seem like a harmless joke to you? Or do you think it was too inappropriate for TV?

  1. There’s “young” again.
  2. The fact that he missed is supposed to excuse his attempt.
  3. Let’s introduce “light-hearted joke” as a way of framing this.
  4. Criminal records are FOR LIFE, don’t you know!
  5. And let’s suggest “harmless” as a frame too, despite the fact that maybe the reporter should be the one to define harm.

In the end, JRfm has set up a special moment to perpetuate rape culture and set back the value of promoting consent to the mass public.

11 Weeks of Daily Harper Protests

The Harper Re-election Disaster Bus Totalitarianism: daily, for 11 weeks!

Get used to this.

People hate Harper and his Conservatives. We will see through his weak attempt to wedge oppositions parties by running a long election campaign because he has more money to spend.

Saturation will come fast.

We will remember how much contempt he holds for people and democracy.

We will listen to his 5 non-answers to 5 media questions each day and we will be constantly reminded of how much we can’t stand what he has done to Canada.

And we will see this. Every day:

How to Hate Women

So, it turns out that if you and some of your single girl friends lament the lack of quality men in Vancouver, you may get attacked by anonymous men and women in the comments section of the Georgia Straight.

Go figure.

Whether that is “true” or not, people sure like to tee off on people. It feels a bit like the entitled imperviousness idiotic men feel when they shout sexually graphic obscenities at a female tv reporter on a live remote segment.


You can read the initial lament here and don’t miss the comments below it. Here are but two of the most vile:

1. your words are redundant and sexist and unintelligent

2. Have you considered anthropomorphizing a bank machine, dressing it up in “swaggy” clothes and duct taping a dildo to it?

Source: Lack Of Men | Georgia Straight

How Do YOU Fight for Workplace Justice?

How do YOU define determination?

One of them gave birth the day before the vote. As soon as her baby was nursing properly and her bloodwork came back okay, she made the trip to the hotel to vote.

via Inside a union drive at The Trump Hotel | Toronto Star.

Budweiser Stops Pandering to Rapists?

Budweiser, the perfect beer for rapists:

New Bud Light Tagline: 'Remove 'No' From Your Vocabulary for the Night'

Being up for whatever happens [even with its own hashtag: #UpForWhatever]


an evening environment that doesn’t include no in its vocabulary


all within our still vibrant rape culture


a recipe for Budweiser to demonstrate how pathetic they are at understanding how communication works.

And they end up being complicit in continuing to promote rape culture and a world where explicit consent for sex is either ignore, downplayed or rejected.

They still haven’t apologized, but they have said that they regret missing the mark. Continue to not expect integrity from corporations:

The Bud Light Up for Whatever campaign, now in its second year, has inspired millions of consumers to engage with our brand in a positive and light-hearted way. In this spirit, we created more than 140 different scroll messages intended to encourage spontaneous fun. It’s clear that this message missed the mark, and we regret it. We would never condone disrespectful or irresponsible behavior.