Tag Archives: #FreddieGray

Sadistic Police and Their Entitlements

If you wonder why police are losing respect as a credible element in a peaceful, democratic, civilized society, watch this video [the slightly longer version is here].

Not only does a white shirt pepper spray an unarmed man at almost point blank range, watch what else happens.

  1. The white shirt steps back a few steps after filling his face with pepper spray. Is he afraid of retaliation? From a man filled with pepper spray in his face?
  2. Another non-white shirt decides that the injured man, who is taking slow steps backwards, is a sufficient threat that to take him down, he will do so by pulling his hair from behind so the man falls backward onto the street. Surely, there are less violent means of encouraging a seriously injured unarmed man to get on the ground?
  3. When citizens approach the injured man, a swarm of police establish a perimeter and indiscriminately spray pepper spray at the citizens.

What does society and civilization mean to YOU?

What does dignity mean to you?

Do you have any questions about #BlackLivesMatter and #FreddieGray?