Tag Archives: freedom

The End of Facebook at Politics, Re-Spun

Note how this looks a bit like the Death Star? 🙂


Welcome to the post-Facebook Politics, Re-Spun website!

You will not find a Like/Recommend button at all anymore. Anywhere. We’ve even stripped it from the ShareThis ribbon. We’re so nasty! 🙂


Because Facebook is the devil. And Big Brother. And a menace to social networking.

They spent most of the last decade encouraging people and groups to network for free in Facebook. Bait.

Then the switch? They have essentially crippled organic sharing without us paying to boost content to all our likers/followers.

We were so stupid to assume they wouldn’t do this.

Now, they will use the Facebook app in your phone to monitor everything your phone “hears.” You must all delete your Facebook app out of your phone now.

If you don’t, you deserve to have your life monitored by Facebook. “Run, you fools!”

And finally, Facebook will track you even if you never click a Like/Recommend button, by just knowing “you” are viewing a webpage with some kind of Facebook code on the page.

Well, here at the Politics, Re-Spun editorialist worker co-op, we will not be a party to Facebook stalking you. Or us.

And when you think about it, we get 10-20x more traffic here from Progressive Bloggers than Facebook anyway. So, no loss, really.

So, fuck off and bad riddance, Facebook.


Capitalism: Swing Your Sledgehammer

It’s all about vision and hope, in an effort to envision how economics and markets can exist after the toxicity of capitalism is gone, gone gone. Are you up for it?

Last night, John Holloway, author of Crack Capitalism, was the SFU Institute for the Humanities‘ guest lecturer, skyped in from Mexico. He was full of inspiration and clarity. Enjoy my twitter reflections below.

Continue reading Capitalism: Swing Your Sledgehammer