I’ve been seing things in twitter for the last few days that put some grotesque perspective on the American culture.
I’m actually quite speechless:
George Zimmerman, the 29-year-old neighborhood-watch commander, fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin but was acquitted by a jury that apparently concluded he was in fear for his life.
Marissa Alexander, a 32-year-old mother of three, fired what she described as a warning shot in the direction of her husband — against whom she had a protective order — and two stepsons. No one was injured, but she was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 20 years.
In the wake of the Zimmerman trial and the national debate on race and justice that it prompted, Alexander’s case — from 2010 — has drawn renewed attention, including an online petition seeking a pardon from Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) that has generated more than 36,000 signatures.
Marissa Alexander case in spotlight after Zimmerman trial – The Washington Post.