Tag Archives: ice

2010 Already Beats 2007 in Arctic Sea Ice Melt

Working from the premise that we [the collaborative society of humans] aren’t actually too stupid to avert climate breakdown, let’s look at the new bad news on Arctic Ocean sea ice melt.

This year’s sea ice meltdown is well ahead of 2007 in loss of both area and thickness. The ice is failing at a record pace, in part, because it is at a record low thickness for the date. This ice is thinning at a record rate because of warm air temperatures above and because of melting from below.

via Daily Kos: Arctic Sea Ice Meltdown Accelerates: DK Greenroots.

See http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/2010/060810.html

Here’s what I get from this graph:

  • 30 years of general decline
  • 2007 really sucked
  • 2010 looks like it will be far worse than 2007 and it’s only early July
  • Anomalous  years affect the line of best fit and normalize outlier behaviour

What does this mean? Continue reading 2010 Already Beats 2007 in Arctic Sea Ice Melt