People, especially people who are white and male: we need to drastically up our game if we are going to move towards equity and away from the increasingly brutal white male backlash that’s been growing.
Last week a number of things happened that reinforce the supremacy of white men, but also the rise in those who challenge it. We need to join the challenge:
- Racists are selling t-shirts with an image of Colin Kaepernick in rifle crosshairs.
- Ben Carson, while speaking positively about Donald Trump [I know, right?], couldn’t handle a challenging MSNBC female reporter and demanded that her own network cut off her mic.
- Lou Dobbs, despite not being a clear supporter of Anonymous, used one of their tactics of distributing and amplifying a phone number and address on the internet. He did it, however, to a woman who accused Donald Trump of sexual assault. Dobbs later apologized, but it was unclear why he felt he needed to apologize.
- The Nova Scotia premier dug deep to pull out dripping sarcasm, condescension and mansplaining when a female TV reporter questioned him on environmental policy.
White men have basked in entitlements for centuries. We need to call them on this nonsense: all of us, especially perhaps, other white men.
Let’s make this a more enlightened week!