Tag Archives: police violence

A Little Bit of Civil Terrorism…

friskA little bit of civil terrorism keeps the population docile, afraid of irrational and unjust behaviour from law enforcement [sic] but hey, it helps us all live more peacefully because if you’re not a terrorist, you have nothing to fear from police terrorism via unconstitutional and racially discriminatory persecution. Right?


“We’re going to go out there and violate some rights.” Hear the secret police recordings that will take your breath away. In a bad way.

via Meet The 17-Year-Old Who Blew The Lid Off Racial Profiling With His iPod.

And if you’re in NYC, check out the NY Civil Liberties Union’s Stop and Frisk Watch app for iPhone and Android.

And in Vancouver, the police assaulted a minor at a May Day march:

So let’s remember to remind the police about their duties to US: