“Axe the Tax”: NOW We Need that Campaign!

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While the Axe the Tax campaign ruined the BC NDP’s green credibility last year and helped lose the election, it is time for an Axe the Tax campaign now with the regressive HST.

The government is consistently lying that it will save money by harmonizing the logistics of tax collection. They simply refuse to respond to complaints against the reality that they are also removing so many goods and services that are exempt from the PST right now. This is nothing new from this neoLiberal gang.

While the NDP is going through several internal reform movements since it squandered its chance to remove this anti-social government, one thing is sure: the party needs to do a better job of education, including, listening to and motivating members to be activists.

Judging from the mobilization so far against the regressive HST, this may be a good focal point for building a social movement within the party to improve BC and destroy this neoLiberal government.

Nearly nine out of 10 British Columbians oppose the new harmonized sales tax and believe it will hit them where it hurts — their pocketbooks.

via British Columbians overwhelmingly reject harmonized tax.

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Stephen Elliott-Buckley

Post-partisan eco-socialist. at Politics, Re-Spun
Stephen Elliott-Buckley is a husband, father, professor, speaker, consultant, former suburban Vancouver high school English and Social Studies teacher who changed careers because the BC Liberal Party has been working hard to ruin public education. He has various English and Political Science degrees and has been writing political, social and economic editorials since November 2002. Stephen is in Twitter, Miro and iTunes, and the email thing, and at his website, dgiVista.org.

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