BC Conservative Party MLA Contenders?

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From here we learn Blair Lekstrom shows up as a rat, but that Vicki Huntington appears desirable to the party.

So now the task is to pick out a list of ideological contenders for the BC Conservative Party. Their policies are here including their tax policy, elevated in stature during these exciting anti-HST days.

We all know right wing people. We all know Liberal supporters who have to hold their noses when they learn of the latest anti-human, anti-social slash combined with a tax cut to rich people or corporations, all the while selling out provincial economic interests in exchange for global neoliberal races to the bottom. They really need an opportunity to see if the BC Conservatives actually would offer a choice that would keep them from vomiting.

So think of all the current BC Liberal MLAs, the former MLAs, the candidates who lost, those not afraid to share their ideologies, those who aren’t afraid to mention their federal party affiliation, those NDP members/MLAs/candidates who aren’t really all that left wing at all when it comes down to the issues.

When you do that, you may end up with a dozen or more without much effort, likely including the 7 or so at the top of the hit list of the recall campaigners who will be making solid use of the anti-HST petitions to force some by-elections and destroy this provincial government.

And in an era when majority governments have lost much/most of their legitimacy, the provincial 2013 election will not be so easy, especially with voter apathy rising as voter turnout dipped below 50% in 2009.

So when you land on some contenders, send them to the Conservatives in email or Twitter or even Facebook if you haven’t quit yet. I’m sure they’d love to hear you’re thinking of them!

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Stephen Elliott-Buckley

Post-partisan eco-socialist. at Politics, Re-Spun
Stephen Elliott-Buckley is a husband, father, professor, speaker, consultant, former suburban Vancouver high school English and Social Studies teacher who changed careers because the BC Liberal Party has been working hard to ruin public education. He has various English and Political Science degrees and has been writing political, social and economic editorials since November 2002. Stephen is in Twitter, Miro and iTunes, and the email thing, and at his website, dgiVista.org.

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7 thoughts on “BC Conservative Party MLA Contenders?”

  1. I want to like BC Conservatives.
    I would like to be able to back them, run around evangelizing about their greatness to the great unwashed. I fit the bill of someone who would jump on their bandwagon, and yet, they still smack of fringe & wing nut at this point. Perhaps I would feel different if they were running some heavy hitters and had solid backing. In Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon/Chilliwack ridings, they were very youthful and ambitious, but were up against incumbants like Les and Penner. Need more clout AND a really persuasive membership drive.

  2. MoS, i’d classify the BC Liberals as a neoliberal party, one that espouses free market ideology as the highest good.

    the economic ideology of classical conservatives is more about developing the jurisdiction’s economic potential.

    the BC Conservative party has a number of policies that reflect the latter. the federal Conservatives and Liberals are both neoliberal in the context of the BC Liberals.

    that’s how i see it.

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