-- Download Two Richmond Boycotts for 2014 as PDF --

First we have IKEA’s union busting, coming up on one year of locking out their workers because they won’t take major concessions in the face of billions in profits.
Now we have the strawberry and potato farmer who worries about how few Caucasian farmers are left around these parts, don’t ya know.
Here are the boycott details.
Bill Zylmans of W & A Farms is unhappy with so many non-Caucasians getting into farming. Let’s boycott their products.
IKEA has been pulling in billions in profit for years, but finds its union workers in Richmond to be in need of some austerity; and maybe breaking their union would be good to help more billions in profits worldwide. Let’s boycott them too, hard as it may be to acknowledge that they aren’t the family-friendly business their marketing has tried to establish for us.
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