Category Archives: USA

An Analogy For Understanding Violent Protest In Baltimore

Let’s say you live in an apartment building, and the only way to buy groceries was to order them and have them delivered to your apartment.

Everyone is told “To place your order, simply call this toll free number, state your name, address, and what you want to purchase.” The cost of the groceries is automatically withdrawn from your bank account, and then the groceries are delivered.

For the people living in apartments ending in the numbers 1-3, this is exactly what happens, almost 100% of the time. On the very rare occasions the groceries don’t arrive, the customer service department at the grocery delivery service is tremendously apologetic, and goes out of its way to make amends.

For people living in apartments ending in the numbers 4-6, they figure out that if they want their groceries delivered, not only do they have to call the toll-free number and place their order, they also have to make sure they’re standing outside the building when the delivery arrives and carry the food up to their apartment themselves. And maybe, sometimes, the food just doesn’t arrive because the delivery service forgets about them, and they have a hungry day. Complaining to customer service usually gets them a half-hearted apology and maybe, on a good day, a $5 credit toward their next order.

For people living in apartments ending in the numbers 7-9, they learn that it’s not enough to call and place their order. They have to dial a secret number that is never publicized and is often changing, compliment the person taking their order in exactly the right way (without ever being sure what will be appropriate from one day to the next), sing the first two verses of “Happy Together,” pay double for their groceries, and wait all day in precisely the spot the delivery truck will come to a stop at, and have their groceries thrown, unbagged, onto the ground in front of them. If the delivery van shows up at all, because it often doesn’t. In fact, it doesn’t bother to deliver the groceries so often, people in apartments 7-9 are starving to death. There’s no point in calling customer service because they’ll be blamed for their complaint, no matter what it is.

For people living in apartments ending in the number 0, they don’t even bother ordering groceries. They have such good relationships with the owners of the grocery delivery service that they know food is going to show up and be hand-delivered to their door without them having to do anything. There’s no such thing as a missed delivery, and if they have a problem with their order, they call the owners of the grocery delivery service personally, who will often fire the delivery driver that day as punishment.

Now, if some of the people living in apartments ending in the numbers 7-9 woke up one morning and said “You know, my parents lived in this building, and my grandparents, and my great-grandparents, and people have been starving here for a long time. I can’t take this anymore,” and then went outside and hijacked a delivery van and drove it straight through the doors of the grocery warehouse, would anybody be surprised?

SUPPORT: Auto Unions in the US and Canada are on a Roll

With all the union busting and union bashing going on by the 1% and their compradors in government, it’s nice to see the labour movement getting some traction.

The next few days in Tennessee and Ontario could move workplace democracy and the 99% ahead significantly, with thousands of new unionized jobs to support families and communities. Here’s how.

Continue reading SUPPORT: Auto Unions in the US and Canada are on a Roll

Come On, Let’s Really Increase Taxes on the Rich


Well, here’s something you don’t see [ever] in corporate media: a review of tax measures in the USA since the crash in 2008 that have succeeded in increasing taxes on the rich. And it turns out, tax increases that are regressive [sales taxes, etc.] or include the non-rich, seemed to fail quite a bit.

How did these taxes on the 1% succeed? Continue reading Come On, Let’s Really Increase Taxes on the Rich

MexAmeriCanada, Version 2013

Welcome to the United States of MexAmeriCanada. Represent!
Welcome to the United States of MexAmeriCanada. Represent!

I was just thinking a few days ago how I haven’t used the MexAmeriCanada tag for a while. Did I cause this to happen, in some cosmic kind of way?

In the old days it was Canadian Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin negotiating the post-911 deep integration of Fortress North America with President George W. Bush.

Now we have “opposite” governing bodies in the two nations, though they’re barely different. North America is still strolling towards a 1984/Brave New World/V For Vendetta kind of soft fascist near-future of corporate “human” rights inside a surveillance society that we’re increasingly complacent about.

  1. Will we wake up?
  2. Do we care who our overlords are?
  3. Does it matter that we are different countries?
  4. Are we even different countries?
  5. Would it make any difference if we merged?
  6. If the Chinese stop propping up the US dollar and the North American economy becomes a branch plant of Beijing, would it matter if Canada were a sovereign nation?
  7. Is anyone writing dystopic futurist novels about a new world order with the Yuan controlling everything, like a 21st century Man in the High Castle?
  8. If a tree falls in a forest and the majority of citizens either don’t vote or put much thought into voting, does the lack of actual democracy make a sound?
  9. Does anyone really notice the problem that the political parties run elections in the USA,  and in Canada, the Conservative Party can commit electoral fraud and have no legal or electoral consequences?
  10. Will we be one step closer to a de facto Homeland North America, or one step closer to authentic democracy in both nations?

That’s all for now.

You may put your answers in the comments below. If there’s nothing but crickets, beware!

Zimmerman and Alexander: Racism and Sexism in America

Can you handle the contradictions?

I’ve been seing things in twitter for the last few days that put some grotesque perspective on the American culture.

I’m actually quite speechless:

Two Florida towns, 125 miles apart. Two people firing weapons at unarmed aggressors, purportedly in self-defense.

George Zimmerman, the 29-year-old neighborhood-watch commander, fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin but was acquitted by a jury that apparently concluded he was in fear for his life.

Marissa Alexander, a 32-year-old mother of three, fired what she described as a warning shot in the direction of her husband — against whom she had a protective order — and two stepsons. No one was injured, but she was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 20 years.

In the wake of the Zimmerman trial and the national debate on race and justice that it prompted, Alexander’s case — from 2010 — has drawn renewed attention, including an online petition seeking a pardon from Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) that has generated more than 36,000 signatures.

Marissa Alexander case in spotlight after Zimmerman trial – The Washington Post.

America the Not-So-Beautiful: God Shat His Grace On Thee

Close your eyes, and conjure up a mental image of the stereotype of the Ugly American.



Willfully ignorant of customs and countries that lie beyond the border of the US -of- A.

Rabidly proselytizing the gospel of liberty, freedom and patriotism bestowed unto their nation via God and gun.

A walking caricature of the values espoused by those who align themselves with political movements like the Tea Party, if you will.

By virtue of social media, internet and television, the world has the increased opportunity to observe Ugly Americans in captivity, under a microscope. One such opportunity arose tonight, when pasty CNN Television host (and UK citizen) Piers Morgan televised a “debate” with the forgettably named media mouthpiece, Alex Jones. Jones, who clearly spends his free time rolling in bat shit, has launched a petition to deport Morgan from the United States.


“British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.”

This petition then culminates in over 100, 000 online signatures, and sets the stage for Jones to detonate his home-grown kook bomb of crazy on CNN for all the world to gawk at.

Debate infers that the transaction between Morgan and Jones was an exchange of differing ideas, presented to articulate well-thought  talking-points. In this instance,  debate was a gross misnomer. Jones, frothing at the mouth, set off on an immediate spirit-quest to fling himself into a verbal black hole of tangental ranting about Second Amendment rights, gun control, patriotism and Xenophobia. Rigged to ensure that Jones let the leviathan of whackadoodle out, Piers Morgan may as well have donned a temporary halo and gilded wings.

Grab a bowl of popcorn, pull up a chair and see for yourself:

For those listening at home, and want to reflect on some of the finer passages from the Gospel of Alex Jones, I present the following points and quotes:

  • On gun control: “The tyrants did it! Hitler took the guns! Stalin took the guns! Mao took the guns! Fidel Castro took the guns! Hugo Chavez took the guns!” Ah. Invoking Hitler. Original.
  • A real highlight, for me, was this screaming gem: “I’m here to tell you — 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!” 
  • On the recent rape and murder of the young, female Indian student on a transit bus: “Take the woman in India in your piece earlier on CNN. I was watching during Anderson Cooper’s show… didn’t tell you the women of India have signed giant petitions to get firearms because the police can’t and won’t protect them.” Proceeds to claim that if the folks on a bus had their guns handy, the situation wouldn’t have occurred.
  • Accuses Piers Morgan of being a “hatchet man of the New World Order”
  • Trots out the stand-by rhetoric of the USA being the ONLY free country in the world, thanks to guns. Well, fine. The US AND Switzerland. But ! Everyone else is living under tyrannical government oppression, thanks to draconian gun legislation. Proceeds to scream loudly about the current urgent state of affairs in the deadly, backwoods of the United Kingdom.  “I already said earlier that England had lower gun crime rate because you took all the guns. But you have hoards of people burning down cities and beating old women’s brains out out everyday. They arrest people in England if they defend themselves, that’s on record. My God, you have a total police state. Everybody is fleeing the country because — you’ve had to flee, bud. Yeah, you fled here. Why don’t you go back and face the charges for the hacking scandal?”
  • This was extra special, and not at all tangental and bizarre: “How many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin?” Indeed, Mr. Jones. Indeed.
  • Are you ready to rumble, Piers? Dude wants a boxing match with you. Please let it be bare knuckle. Please. “I’ll wear red, white and blue and you can wear your Jolly Roger.”

What saddens me is not that Alex Jones exists, has an opinion, and is given a gleaming soap box of radio/television/film to exercise his right to free speech.

Nor is it that both he and Morgan are capitalizing on the unwillingness of the great unwashed masses to think for themselves, and question what they are being fed by the media.

The deep, dark, depressing void that exchanges like this create become apparent when I circle back and read the commentary of the listeners/readers, and see that when Jones hawks his purple fear-monger flavoured Kool-Aid, people are lined up to drink it.  His supporters are legion. He is bidding them to suckle on his crusty, hairy moob of hate and hostility. They eagerly lap it up, and praise the quality and wisdom that dribbles from it.

@PacersTv  – “Piers Morgan has no right to offer opinion on American rights/laws/way of life He is English NOT American. He should not be there when it comes to this sort of topic.”

@iluvpurp354  – “How people defending this foreignor clown over a passionate american blows my mind….AJ will hand ANYBODY in the lamestream media there ass!!!”

@irkitters  – “Alex kicked Prissy Piers’s ads If it was a boxing matchAlex would have made a mess of Piers. Deport Piers”

@Adam Phosphor  “If there ever was an OWNED video, ever, this was it. People commenting, trying to call him a lunatic are all the same cointel group, because they’re using the same terminology “a step backward” to downplay the facts Alex made without analyzing them. Alex just made a deathblow to the NWO. It isn’t lunacy, it’s anger. They always try to associate feelings with something requiring medication, but the truth is, when anger comes out, so does the truth.”

@lsk464 “My take is that Piers Morgan is an asshole on many fronts not just this one. I say give’em hell Alex. You did us Americans just right. Piers was trying to twist the statistics as CNN would have him do but Alex set them straight. We have a tyranny out here right now and a 2nd amendment to allow us to take America back. It is the Legal DRUGS that is the bigger problem.”

Jones is not simply a solitary jack-ass braying into the night. He represents a vocal and growing segment of the American population, namely the keyboard happy masses who are giddily allowing the Court Jester an opportunity to sit on the throne. Excuse me while I try to find a way to get off this planet.

GlobalTV Mocks Hurricane Deaths

Frankenstorm Promo

How would you feel about a news organization that treats a hurricane as a campy Halloween ratings booster? I’m appalled. Click on “Frankenstorm Promo” above and watch the above clip from GlobalTV last Thursday night.

Hurricane Sandy has killed dozens already and will likely kill more as it runs aground today in the northeast where tens of millions live.

I was stunned to see the jovial treatment that news broadcasters were taking to a subject packed with such calamity.

Cynically, it appears that an attempt to create levity about such an impending disaster is a compelling way to boost ratings to earn more profits for GlobalTV “News” when in reality they should take a more responsible approach.

In the end, I’m shocked, but sadly, not at all surprised.

Better Homes & Bomb Shelters

Hallowe’en is fast approaching, and the eerie spectre of a potential Romney election win is casting a pall over the southern horizon.

How does a prudent real estate speculator in the United States prepare for the twin threats of roving zombie hordes and political implosion?

Bomb shelters, naturally.

As a certified real estate professional gawking from afar, I found myself wondering just how difficult it would be for our friends in the US of A to locate an abode with a cozy little bunker of one’s own? A piece of land that would offer both the pleasing aesthetics Cold War sensibility, and offer the luxurious atmosphere of hunkering down in a swanky bomb-proof Hobbit Hole with some freeze-dried Velveeta! The last time that I consulted MLS, there was no check box to delineate properties that offered up bomb shelters as a priority feature. The good news, Children of Uncle Sam: if you seek, you shall find.

(**Note: All property descriptions below the photographs are as they appear in the listing. I have not changed them for my own amusement.**)

PROPERTY 1 – For the desert militia man!

What do the sellers have to say to entice us?

“For Sale $625,000   Cave Creek AZ, United States
home 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 4,874ft²
***not A short sale or bank owned****
”they just don’T build them like they use too” . Remodeled and up-dated.
This home was built with very high construction standards which included Real Block and Stone,can you believe even a Bomb Shelter”
PROPERTY 2 –  Off the grid, off the hook!

How can you say no to the crypt-like appeal? You can’t. Not for $65K! 

“We have for sale a property in Texas, between Greenville and Wolfe City, approximately 3.5 acres. It is on a county road, at the top of a hill.
It has an underground building which was originally designed as a bomb shelter in 1982, complete with a gravity-fed water supply from cisterns above which collect rain, a working toilet and shower and septic tank, and wood-burning stove. Attached to this building is an above ground building which is essentially a screened porch.There is a storage building for tools and equipment, plus various barns and livestock pens.”
Property 3 – In love with a fall out in New Jersey!
“For Sale $124,900
Burlington 08016, NJ, United States
home 3 bedrooms 1 bathrooms
Original owned home with a bedroom addition all as is there is two sheds on this property but one shed houses the entrance to a unique actual Bomb Shelter.”
Property 4 –  Get wet and wild in a Washington underground!
“Beautiful brick home with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, family room with 3392 square feet.
Hardwood floors, newer roof, vinyl windows, birch cabinets, hutch and trim. Recently updated gas boiler, radiant heat.
Radon tested and mitigated. Hot tub in bomb shelter below garage plus additional storage in basement.
Outbuilding makes great shop/pool house combo. Full basement with family/rec room. Double lot with in-ground pool.
Beautiful lot in great neighborhood. Everyone will love. $275,000.”
Property 5 – Benevolent buddy bonding! Spacious and roomy in Georgia. Never worry about leaving your closest pals out in the cold.

“Ready To Step Back In Time? Located At Abbotts Bridge (120) And Albion Farm Offer In Town Living With Estate Charm.
4.35 Acres With 101 Pecan Trees, Absolute Perfect Condition. Block Walls, Brick Exterior, Partial Finished Basement With Bomb Shelter Seating For 20 Of Your Best Friends.
Secondary Caretakers House, Well Water, And Septic Tank. Potential Use – Commercial, Residential, Quite Estate In The Middle Of Duluth.”
I recently completed a real property appraisal course, and was regaled with information about property features that increase the value of a property, and those that devalue it. We covered water frontage, “haunted” and stigmatized homes, peculiar features that date the house and are no longer desirable in the current market, commercial influences etc. I did not, however, learn how to appraise a property with a bomb shelter present, and wonder whether it is a selling feature that increases your value, or a dud? While real estate sales people are provided with ways and means of determining value of outbuildings and non-chattel property features like pools, how does one measure and apply real market value to a hole under your home?

Here’s hoping that Canadians never have to deign to find out.

GroupThink ReSpun: On US Police Forces Operating in Canada

We have decided that “GroupThink ReSpun” will be the name of the process whereby various of the Politics, Re-Spun crew collaborate on editorializing about a current event. Enjoy the poetry of the term!

So apparently, the RCMP wants to ease into allowing US agents to operate freely in Canada:

1. Do you want to be American? Discuss.

Amputating one of my limbs with a nail clipper and then sewing it to my forehead sounds more appealing, really. I don’t make a very good American. Clinging to my sacred socialist cows and such. – Tia

First of all, this question makes me want to sing “I am not American” by the Arrogant Worms. I, too, wonder how two entire continents can lose their identity to one constituent. Secondly, no. I do not want to be an American. I find it distressing that being Canadian increasingly means being saddled with failed American political policies, ten years out of date. – Anna

Despite parts of my idealistic self liking their historical rhetoric about democracy, freedom and such, their inability to implement it and all that current and historical imperialism demonstrate that actually joining that club is not a good thing. – Stephen

2. The FTA and NAFTA were the beginnings of an economic love-in with the USA. Is developing closer ties to the USA handcuffing ourselves to a drowning man or a good move for Canadians?

Albatross. Neck. Millstone. Neck. – Tia

Let’s be honest. American hegemony essentially died with the Iraq war (v2.0) and the American economy isn’t exactly winning all the monies, either. I’d like to see Canada develop greater distance from the U.S., but since Harper seems hell-bent of carrying out his creepy, Buffalo Bill-style inhabitation of Bush’s political skin, I don’t see that happening.  Come on. You know he has a Bush costume he puts on when he wants to feel pretty. – Anna

I’ve always felt free trade was always a great policy to pursue when your nation already is strong, so you would get an unfair advantage over weaker nations who are trying protectionism to improve their standard of living, you your nation had done. The global economic system is founded upon exacerbating inequality. Solutions lie in post-neoliberal trade, like fair trade and ecologically sustainable economic activity. So the FTA and NAFTA are not good in that sense. Plus America is in monstrous economic decline and has been for a generation, so increasing ties with them is a problem. – Stephen

3. Most Canadians don’t like NAFTA [], so would this kind of security cooperation be welcome to Canadians?

I would like to believe that most Canadians inherently enjoy being citizens of a sovereign nation with its own boundaries & with rules and legislation more or less untainted by the interests of an outside nation.  The idea of the US government being able to operate autonomously with any sort of gravity within our borders is frightening at best. – Tia

Honestly, this is like trying to get your kid over his dislike of baths by sticking him in the washing machine. – Anna

Security cooperation, even for a weekend, is a crisis in sovereignty. Why don’t we develop security cooperation agreements with Russia or some place? Simple, we don’t want to develop critical dependence with a country like that. Sure, the USA is physically close [and imperialistic, and threatening, and has lots of guns and a desire for resources under our part of the melting Arctic], but is that any reason to give them a house key? – Stephen

4. Should Canadians be worried about our sovereignty, privacy and civil liberties with American policing agencies operating here freely?

In a word? YES. – Tia

Of course we should. We’ve seen the sterling work American agencies have done of respecting their own citizens’ liberties. – Anna

Yes, easily. However, I will add that even if we were to stop or reverse any security harmonization with anyone, federal and provincial governments in Canada are already doing a great job of undermining our privacy and civil liberties: – Stephen

5. Why won’t Stephen Harper defend our sovereignty instead of engaging in more perimeter/continental security schemes?

Puppet. Strings. Dennis Lee said it best in a poem that appeared in his book “The Difficulty of Living on Other Planets.”

“When I went up to Ottawa,
I met man who sang tra la.
What did you do with the country today?
I gave it away, to the USA!” – Tia

Because he’s not interested in Canada, he’s interested in power. And money. Which is another way of saying “power”. – Anna

His economic agenda for a very long time was for more economic integration with the USA. This kind of integration leads to more strangleholds on neoliberal policies, like in the EU, which makes it harder for us to domestically fight for progressive economics. The same works for security and rights. The Conservative government has open contempt for democracy, so partnering with the USA on security and punitive policing accomplishes the same goal as his economic agenda. – Stephen

6. How contemptuous or condescending is it for the RCMP to want to ease Canadians into the notion of accepting American police forces operating here?

It was kind of them to buy some Vaseline before they decided to ram an unwanted, crooked foreign object up our asses without permission. – Tia

My knee jerk reaction is to say “very”. But upon reflection, the contemptuous thing is allowing American forces to operate in Canada at all. Metaphorically taking the country out to dinner and using lube before attempting to violate us is just common sense. Otherwise, there would be violent uprising in the street, or at least a sternly worded online petition. – Anna

In the old days, authorities wouldn’t come right out and say that we’re stupid and need to be managed. But now the level of contempt that our governments and security organizations have for civil rights is so blatant that they’re fine just saying nonsense like that. We should all be banging pots and pans in the streets. – Stephen

7. We have been harmonizing our regulatory and border security systems with the USA at a faster pace since 911. We generally go with their weaker standards. How will this initiative weaken Canada’s identity?

If you keep siphoning off booze from your father’s stash, and replacing it with water, eventually you’ll have nothing but water. So goes our identity. The more you dilute our legal system and security with that of the USA, we become more and more diluted and less Canadian. – Tia

It galls me that we’re constantly sold this narrative that our standards are weak, and that Canada is practically a nursery school for terrorists, and that our Polite Canadian Standards will DOOM US ALL. I would like to make the radical proposition that instead of assimilating, we try cooperating. Like, actually cooperating, for realsies. It’s an idea so crazy it just might work. – Anna

When a large company “merges” with a smaller one, it’s not an equal deal. There are two different parties with a unique, often deeply tilted balance of power. However much anyone talks about equality in the new relationship, the larger body will define more of it. So harmonizing with the USA on pesticide issues [we raced to the bottom and adopted their weak standards] or on trade or on security means our larger neighbour will dictate more than there are equal discussions. And given the Conservative government’s contempt for democracy, embracing the Americans in the security arena means adopting their more fascist elements. – Stephen

A Happy Birthday for Haiti

So I’ve just turned 45. What a sweet age!

Instead of asking people to only bring a quirky 45rpm record to my party next month, I’d rather give people an opportunity to donate money to the Canadian Red Cross for Haitian earthquake relief.

As many of you know, the case study in my master’s thesis was on how Haiti is the poster child for Canada pursuing, then undermining, the Human Security Agenda, with our economic exploitation of the country culminating in helping the USA kidnap Aristide on February 29, 2004 and flying him to the Central African Republic.

And many of you also know that I got my start in political awareness and international development work from Red Cross Youth seminars like this one over 25 years ago.

So, I’m fundraising in support of the Canadian Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti. It’s estimated that three million people have been affected by the disaster, and 200,000 have been left homeless. Thanks to hundreds of local volunteers with the Haitian Red Cross—many of whom lost loved ones, the Red Cross was able to respond immediately. Please donate and help the Red Cross. Haiti needs your help.And they need your help more then I need presents!

Donate Now!


$45 for my 45th birthday, or more or less. Or maybe even $208 for Haiti’s 208th anniversary of the Haitian slaves declaring their independence. It’s up to you!