Who would Jesus whip and flog?
Ask Occupy.
Happy Easter, 2014!
Who would Jesus whip and flog?
Ask Occupy.
Happy Easter, 2014!
First we have IKEA’s union busting, coming up on one year of locking out their workers because they won’t take major concessions in the face of billions in profits.
Now we have the strawberry and potato farmer who worries about how few Caucasian farmers are left around these parts, don’t ya know.
Here are the boycott details.
Continue reading Two Richmond Boycotts for 2014
Let’s say you don’t employ public school teachers. Let’s say you make millions of dollars. Let’s say you earn sometimes hundreds of times more money than the lowest paid worker in your organization. And let’s say you may not have even attended public school in Canada?
So what should you do? Release a report on how to pay public school teachers because…YOU’RE A CEO!
Continue reading Who Is the Least Qualified to Evaluate Teachers?
Do you look up to the 1%? How could you?
Come, children, let’s take a look!
Continue reading Eating the Poor
It’s getting harder and harder, what with constant corporate media concentration, and corporatist convergence of messaging from right wing governments and their informal corporate media PR departments.
But everyone once in a while we see evidence that there is a growing number of journalists who exist with integrity and can demonstrate meaningful contribution to society:
Continue reading How to Spot a Good Journalist
Risking player’s brain trauma for profit makes the NHL a gladiator pimp organization.
At some point, as estimates continue to roll in, the NHL accountants and lawyers will realize that reducing concussion risk in the NHL will make the league more profitable. The NHLPA needs to do a better job advocating for the health of its membership.
That will get me watching again, and my kids.
And that may be the only thing, aggravated by class action lawsuits, that get the game safer for players. Oh and the CBC getting rid of Don Cherry.
Here’s information from a recent study [emphasis is mine]:
Continue reading The NHL Gladiator Pimps
While I’m also sad that the Kamloops Daily News is closing, I think Warren Kinsella is over-simplifying a few things [see below] with respect to how the media climate will be affected by the closing of this for-profit business, earning shareholder value by producing mass media content, while sometimes allowing its corporate revenue-generating employees to produce some adequate-to-good journalism.
Let’s explore all this:
Continue reading The Real Reason We Need to Get Rid of Corporate Media
Happy Christmas Eve!
I hope you’re all giving lots of money to charities because ’tis the season and all that. But what happens if generally, as a society, we can’t or won’t give so much?
Coupled with public sector social service cuts, a decline in charitable giving creates preventable suffering.
But the Fraser Institute is a big fan of the charitable giving solution to public sector cuts. What do they have to say about that this year? It’s not good.
Continue reading Greed + Government Cuts Erode Society [Bah, Humbug!]
Values, discrimination, the Swedish way: all these ideas are in the mix as stakeholders of IKEA’s treatment of workers express how they feel about IKEA’s plan to break its union in Richmond, BC.
We’ve been writing about this new front line in Canada’s war against workers for months now. But the members of Teamsters Local 213 have been living it.
This is the Christmas season. If you intend to buy anything IKEA-ish in Richmond, Coquitlam, elsewhere in Canada or around the world, spend some time finding another vendor then tweet or Facebook IKEA letting them know you’re part of the boycott because of their horrible labour practices. [UPDATE: they deleted my post on their Facebook page. Did they delete yours too? You may need to post it again. And again, and over and over. Hint hint.]
Now, listen to the stories:
Continue reading IKEA: Swedish for Discrimination Against Workers
The latest nonsense of the hyper-rich 1% and their political compradors has reminded us once again, that the rich hide their money from government to avoid paying taxes…because they’re rich and can get their way.
Part of how they do that is by using language against us to spin how we even think of community building, on a local or national level. Here’s how:
Continue reading Stop Saying Tax “Haven” and Tax “Burden”