Tag Archives: Hitler

America the Not-So-Beautiful: God Shat His Grace On Thee

Close your eyes, and conjure up a mental image of the stereotype of the Ugly American.



Willfully ignorant of customs and countries that lie beyond the border of the US -of- A.

Rabidly proselytizing the gospel of liberty, freedom and patriotism bestowed unto their nation via God and gun.

A walking caricature of the values espoused by those who align themselves with political movements like the Tea Party, if you will.

By virtue of social media, internet and television, the world has the increased opportunity to observe Ugly Americans in captivity, under a microscope. One such opportunity arose tonight, when pasty CNN Television host (and UK citizen) Piers Morgan televised a “debate” with the forgettably named media mouthpiece, Alex Jones. Jones, who clearly spends his free time rolling in bat shit, has launched a petition to deport Morgan from the United States.


“British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.”

This petition then culminates in over 100, 000 online signatures, and sets the stage for Jones to detonate his home-grown kook bomb of crazy on CNN for all the world to gawk at.

Debate infers that the transaction between Morgan and Jones was an exchange of differing ideas, presented to articulate well-thought  talking-points. In this instance,  debate was a gross misnomer. Jones, frothing at the mouth, set off on an immediate spirit-quest to fling himself into a verbal black hole of tangental ranting about Second Amendment rights, gun control, patriotism and Xenophobia. Rigged to ensure that Jones let the leviathan of whackadoodle out, Piers Morgan may as well have donned a temporary halo and gilded wings.

Grab a bowl of popcorn, pull up a chair and see for yourself:

For those listening at home, and want to reflect on some of the finer passages from the Gospel of Alex Jones, I present the following points and quotes:

  • On gun control: “The tyrants did it! Hitler took the guns! Stalin took the guns! Mao took the guns! Fidel Castro took the guns! Hugo Chavez took the guns!” Ah. Invoking Hitler. Original.
  • A real highlight, for me, was this screaming gem: “I’m here to tell you — 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!” 
  • On the recent rape and murder of the young, female Indian student on a transit bus: “Take the woman in India in your piece earlier on CNN. I was watching during Anderson Cooper’s show… didn’t tell you the women of India have signed giant petitions to get firearms because the police can’t and won’t protect them.” Proceeds to claim that if the folks on a bus had their guns handy, the situation wouldn’t have occurred.
  • Accuses Piers Morgan of being a “hatchet man of the New World Order”
  • Trots out the stand-by rhetoric of the USA being the ONLY free country in the world, thanks to guns. Well, fine. The US AND Switzerland. But ! Everyone else is living under tyrannical government oppression, thanks to draconian gun legislation. Proceeds to scream loudly about the current urgent state of affairs in the deadly, backwoods of the United Kingdom.  “I already said earlier that England had lower gun crime rate because you took all the guns. But you have hoards of people burning down cities and beating old women’s brains out out everyday. They arrest people in England if they defend themselves, that’s on record. My God, you have a total police state. Everybody is fleeing the country because — you’ve had to flee, bud. Yeah, you fled here. Why don’t you go back and face the charges for the hacking scandal?”
  • This was extra special, and not at all tangental and bizarre: “How many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin?” Indeed, Mr. Jones. Indeed.
  • Are you ready to rumble, Piers? Dude wants a boxing match with you. Please let it be bare knuckle. Please. “I’ll wear red, white and blue and you can wear your Jolly Roger.”

What saddens me is not that Alex Jones exists, has an opinion, and is given a gleaming soap box of radio/television/film to exercise his right to free speech.

Nor is it that both he and Morgan are capitalizing on the unwillingness of the great unwashed masses to think for themselves, and question what they are being fed by the media.

The deep, dark, depressing void that exchanges like this create become apparent when I circle back and read the commentary of the listeners/readers, and see that when Jones hawks his purple fear-monger flavoured Kool-Aid, people are lined up to drink it.  His supporters are legion. He is bidding them to suckle on his crusty, hairy moob of hate and hostility. They eagerly lap it up, and praise the quality and wisdom that dribbles from it.

@PacersTv  – “Piers Morgan has no right to offer opinion on American rights/laws/way of life He is English NOT American. He should not be there when it comes to this sort of topic.”

@iluvpurp354  – “How people defending this foreignor clown over a passionate american blows my mind….AJ will hand ANYBODY in the lamestream media there ass!!!”

@irkitters  – “Alex kicked Prissy Piers’s ads If it was a boxing matchAlex would have made a mess of Piers. Deport Piers”

@Adam Phosphor  “If there ever was an OWNED video, ever, this was it. People commenting, trying to call him a lunatic are all the same cointel group, because they’re using the same terminology “a step backward” to downplay the facts Alex made without analyzing them. Alex just made a deathblow to the NWO. It isn’t lunacy, it’s anger. They always try to associate feelings with something requiring medication, but the truth is, when anger comes out, so does the truth.”

@lsk464 “My take is that Piers Morgan is an asshole on many fronts not just this one. I say give’em hell Alex. You did us Americans just right. Piers was trying to twist the statistics as CNN would have him do but Alex set them straight. We have a tyranny out here right now and a 2nd amendment to allow us to take America back. It is the Legal DRUGS that is the bigger problem.”

Jones is not simply a solitary jack-ass braying into the night. He represents a vocal and growing segment of the American population, namely the keyboard happy masses who are giddily allowing the Court Jester an opportunity to sit on the throne. Excuse me while I try to find a way to get off this planet.

Springtime for Hitler in Ottawa


Last week, our favourite sweater vest hoarding Prime Minister made the world’s laziest Nazi/Hitler invocation during Question Period. This is the latest in a string of Hitler references made by sundry politicos in Ottawa during 2012, and we’re not even half way through the year. His gaffe brought jeers and tears of laughter to denizens of the House and online. For your viewing pleasure, witness the exchange between Mulcair the Bearded Sandwich Explainer and Stevie Soulless Eyes HERE.

After I was done laughing and wiping tears of hilarity from my eyes, I went back to the Politics Respun crew, and asked them for their input. Stephen Elliot-Buckley, Kevin Harding, Jasmin Mujanovic and I weighed in:

Is there ever an appropriate time in debate for comparing our politicians, parties and policies to those of Adolf Hitler?
Short of starting some ethnic cleansing campaign or annexing a neighbouring state, no. The bar is set quite high. That said, I think there’s too much careless thoughtlessness when people are rejecting criticisms of fascism and totalitarianism and corporatism. Tossing those words around seems to fit some of the positions we’ve seen in Canada in recent decades that are contemptuous of democracy. As a society we need to be better educated about the meaning and historical context of those words so we can use them more intelligently. And we don’t need Hitler for all that. – Stephen

I’m not one to really ascribe limits to speech, save for the kind that involves things like yelling “fire” in a crowded movie theatre. That being said, I also think that there’s problems with making comparisons between exceedingly horrific historical events and the leader of the NDP asking Harper when he was going to bring Canadian soldiers home from our neo-colonialist romp in Afghanistan. There’s a balance; if you honestly, seriously, fully think that comparing the actions of your debate opponent to those of Hitler are necessary, then, by all means, do so – but don’t be surprised if you’re made out to look like an idiot after doing so. It’s a comparison that should be made exceedingly rarely, and only in circumstances that actually warrant it. – Kevin

Sure but only once they begin engaging in or advocating for the systemic genocide of a segment of our population. Until then, it’s juvenile idiocy. – Jasmin

If the politician/party/policies are truly akin to those of Adolph Hitler and not simply something that opponents of the politician/party/policies merely dislikes or takes offense to, yes. Using it as a tool to insult or derive a reaction (Godwin’s Law) does make it a de facto debating tactic. – Tia

Was Harper out of line on Thursday when he erroneously stated that the NDP did not support the fight against Hitler in 1939? Was Mulcair, when he shot back about Reform Party?

I think it would be wonderful to get into the debate about where Canada has stood on events like the Boer War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq x2, and Afghanistan. And the centuries of various forms of war against the first peoples. There is precious little serious, non-zinger based rhetoric floating around when, as a nation, we ought to be getting into the soul of the issue of the role of our military. – Stephen

No, and no. In the most literal sense. Take a look deeper at the statements – Harper said that the “leader of the NDP in 1939” didn’t even support war against Hitler. This – and only this – is specifically true. J.S. Woodworth, an ardent pacifist, opposed war in Germany. And he – alone in the House of Commons – voted against the declaration of war. And he was soundly castigated for his actions, and made fun of quite rightly, for his vote. Extending this smear to insinuating that the NDP itself loved Hitler is just fucking stupid, plain and simple. Mulcair, on the other hand, shot back about the Reform Party’s policies – here, he took the policies of the party as it then was and compared it to the actions of the party as it is now. No spurious smearing; if the party changed names, it’s still the party’s policies as they were, not the actions of an individual who was then castigated by the party. – Kevin

Harper’s statement was the depths of gutter politics–pathetic more than anything else. I thought Mulcair’s retort was rather funny, though, and I don’t even really like the guy. Not much else to do in a situation like that than mock the Prime Minister. – Jasmin

If the HOC was a UFC octagon (which would actually make a lot of politics in Canada much more entertaining and culturally relevant for the masses) this tactic by Harper would have been a move akin to kneeing your opponent in the balls. It was cheap, lazy and a last ditch effort to keep away from having to tap out. Mulcair’s retort was priceless, and he chalked up laugh points from me with his verbal ground n’ pound. – Tia

In the media (both traditional and social) there are perpetual invocations of Hitler/Nazis by Left of centre thinkers/commentators directed towards Harper, his government, and Conservative Party policy. Is there legitimacy in this comparison?

Like I said above, I think we need to be more precise. When we say totalitarian, we need to talk about an issue like “free speech zones” in Vancouver during our Olympics corporate orgy, with respect to the Charter and how such acts are an egregious violation of reasonable limits from Section 1 [http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/charter/page-1.html]. When we talk about corporatism and the corporate-political junta that is the neo-liberalism of the Liberal Party, Reform Party and Conservative Party, we should be clear on how we talk about governing for corporate interests. When we bring up soft fascism or hard fascism, we should connect that discussion with these handy 14 elements of fascism: http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm. – Stephen

There’s legitimacy in comparing a lot of the actions of governments to fascism. To Hitler? Nope. And don’t get me started in the stupidity that one can find in certain right-wing fora who insist that Hitler was a commie socialist, not a right-wing fascist. – Kevin

No, absolutely not. I have very, very strong objections to Harper’s policy in particular as it relates to our treatment of First Nations peoples and overseas(mis)adventures–situations where people are actually dying)but he’s not Hitler, nor are the Tories Nazis, either. We have plenty of fascist movements around the world (including Canada) who make very few bones about their politics; we’d be better off actually engaging those people than wasting time on these partisan theatrics. – Jasmin

Comparing what is actually going on in Ottawa with the current Conservative government and WWII Nazis is laughable and makes your argument look small minded and uninformed. Like Harper or not, he’s not actively gassing his enemies in death camps and annexing small nations. Find a better comparison in history or grab some originality and create a term. I’m fond of Sweatervestism, myself. – Tia

Is Nazism a useful symbol for what makes us angry, from opinions on extended breastfeeding to criticism about opposing politicians?

I believe in Godwin’s law. Short of contemporary Nazis and similar groups, I think we need to educate people with more precise terms. – Stephen

If you legitimately think that the comparison is necessary, sure. Just don’t be surprised if you’re made to look like a complete idiot on your comparison if it’s out of line. There are way more useful comparisons or symbols to use. Boots stomping on faces, sweater vests, et cetera. – Kevin
Only a Nazi could ask such a question! Which is to say: sure…but only if you’re kind of slow and un-creative. First of all, very rarely are our opponents actually Nazi-like in nature. And on the odd occasion where I have engaged with actual fascists, the comparison to the Nazis was hardly insulting to them. So, with very few exceptions, the comparison is unjustified–and none of those exceptions are part of the mainstream Canadian political scene. – Jasmin

What is the term I’m looking for? Ah, yes. Reductio ad Hitlerum: claiming that a policy/group leads to/is the same as one advocated or implemented by Hitler/the Third Reich, and so “proves” that the original policy/group is undesirable. Guilt by association. Having been called a “Boob Nazi” (somewhat erroneously) often and FemNazi a few times, I am always perplexed as to how the person making the comparison arrives at the choice of words. I presume that the person throwing the terms around lacks a functional vocabulary/creativity. – Tia

Does invoking Hitler/Nazi in Canadian politics trivialize and desacralize memories of holocaust and the horrors of WW2?

Yes. And while trying to elicit empathy for violated peoples is a valid motive, we should do it in a more realistic context. We don’t have to go to gas chambers to talk about the abject poverty that millions of Canadians are one paycheque away from because of neoliberal, totalitarian, corporatist soft fascism. – Stephen

No. It trivializes the person making the comparison, if the comparison is not justifiable. Cf “Godwin’s Law” and etc. – Kevin

Yes, full stop. – Jasmin

Hell, yes. It’s disrespectful of people who have been affected by Hitler, who dealt a lasting blow generationally to so many families and individuals around the world. My grandparents were children/teenagers during WWII in Germany/Eastern Europe and our family is still impacted, several generations later. – Tia

Other thoughts/comments on this topic?

Harper is clearly desperate. He’s seen his polling numbers drop stunningly since the NDP leadership race, which is the kind of event to give the NDP a bump, not usually a corresponding plummet in the governing party’s stature. And now that I enjoyed the Twitterverse Monday morning kicking the tires of the NDP talking about expecting a coalition government with the Liberals and not a merger, the Harper Junta will be further trimmed in the polls. And now that the Liberals are going to let non-members vote in their leadership race, Cullenistas in the NDP can vote for a leader who is interested in a distinct, yet cooperative posture with the NDP. And yesterday NDP House Leader Cullen called for the speaker to enforce more decorum in the house. Cooperation and dignity, two of Cullen’s core leadership messages, seem to be defining this era of the NDP even if Cullen didn’t “win” the leadership. Harper’s a politician full of hate and vitriol. He is so angry, eager to demolish the Liberals, eager to cram his self-assured ideology wherever he can for the sake of some monarchist imperial brand of corporatism. He knows that suppressing voter turnout illegally or through negative politics keeps voters who embrace hope from turning up and mobilizes his base that hates their enemies. We need to reject gutter politics. As simply as last spring when Layton unilaterally stopped his party from heckling in the House, there is room for building something positive. Harper is incapable of doing that. So he invokes monsters, and in doing so, Godwin. – Stephen

The meta-narrative on Harper’s stupidity in jumping into Godwin’s law so quickly ignores the fact that Harper didn’t have an answer as to when the troops engaged in neo-colonialism in Afghanistan will be coming home – so instead he pulled out Hitler. Idiot. – Kevin

I’ve been left with a Broadway show tune from The Producers in my head, ear-worming me endlessly. Springtime! For Hitler! In Germany! Thanks for that, Harper. – Tia