Imtiaz Popat and I celebrated the beginning of the last two weeks of the federal election campaign on “The Rational” last night. The video podcast is below. Here is what we talked about:
- the BC NDP leadership race/outcome
- how yesterday is the beginning of how Clark and Dix will define their leadership and competition, regardless of how the various leadership campaigns went
- the HST referendum and the travesty that the government will spend most of the summer sitting on the results
- the Vancouver-Point Grey by-election
- how voter fatigue is somewhat a ploy by the right wing to encourage us to be lazy and not embrace our democratic power
- Clark is not at all about families first
- reversing corporate tax cuts is not going to affect the poorest 95% of BC/Canada, just the rich and corporations
- how the federal debates went
- why the NDP is polling higher and why people like Jack Layton so much
- Harper’s scare tactics are failing
- why Canadians are beginning to understand and appreciate life after majority governments
- how people are tired of Harper’s politics of hate