I hope you’re all giving lots of money to charities because ’tis the season and all that. But what happens if generally, as a society, we can’t or won’t give so much?
Coupled with public sector social service cuts, a decline in charitable giving creates preventable suffering.
But the Fraser Institute is a big fan of the charitable giving solution to public sector cuts. What do they have to say about that this year? It’s not good.
The latest nonsense of the hyper-rich 1% and their political compradors has reminded us once again, that the rich hide their money from government to avoid paying taxes…because they’re rich and can get their way.
Part of how they do that is by using language against us to spin how we even think of community building, on a local or national level. Here’s how:
It’s time to start this new era of the BC NDP by pre-emptively spinning the fear-mongering campaign that the BC neoLiberal party will embark on any hour now: that the new BC NDP will raise corporate taxes and destroy our economy and put everyone out of work. Far from true, despite the 30 years of indoctrination we’ve been brainwashed with.
A couple things to consider:
Corporate tax cuts don’t create jobs and grow the economy because of any unicorn-inspired trickle-down theory elfin mythology. Why? Because that great bastion of communism, the Globe and Mail, says so. So don’t be duped by government rhetoric to come because the BC Liberal party is funded to the armpits by the corporations benefitting from the tax cuts. They’re hardly unbiased.
The BC Liberal party has been in a corporate tax cut frenzy for a whole decade to create a justification for the “New Era” “tough choices” of cutting services, privatizing, contracting out, closing hospital beds, undermining crown corporations’ social capital, cutting people off welfare, closing schools and generally eroding the public sector. Would you like some proof, beyond how the first $500,000 of corporate revenue will be tax free in 9.5 months? Try this from the BC Liberals’ own budget documents from the fall of 2010, it’s textbook Shock Doctrine:
So when you start hearing how the new BC NDP will be bad for business, remember these facts.
Facts are good. They are the silver bullet for voodoo fear tactics. Embrace hope and principle and reject zombie neoliberal economics designed to impoverish the poorest 95% of the citizens.
And if you would like to read more about how low corporate taxes have dropped in BC in this past decade, read all about it here.
De-Spinning the Political and Re-Spinning it for Social, Economic and Political Justice